Saturday, October 31, 2009

Last minute Halloween Costumes it's almost Halloween...or may already be depending on your time zone.  If you've been invited to a Halloween party and don't want to go because you don't have a costume or you just don't like dressing up in general, I have a costume idea for you.....

Your probably familiar with these stickers...

You've probably had to wear one at some dumb networking event or soiree of some sort... and you probably hate them.  Well not anymore...

Hello, My Name is Stickers are probably the best asset an unemployed person can  have come dress up time.... Consider these non-traditional costume ideas.

1.  Helllo... My Name is..... Slim Shady.   Did Marshall change anything about his look to become Eminem?  Did Eminem change anything to become Slim Shady?  I think not!  And neither should you.   Just don a "Hello, My Name is" sticker and write in "Slim Shady" and you'll be an instant hit!

2.  Hello... My Name is...   Inigo Montoya...(you killed my father, prepare to die).  Depending on your age you either think this is awesome, or completely overplayed.  Either way you're sure to be a riot in this sticker costume.

3.  Hello... My Name is... Jackson Pollock.   If you're too lazy to actually copy a Jackson Pollock masterpiece, you might as well just be the real thing this holiday season.  I promise.... you WILL be the only Jackson Pollock at your party.  Money back guarantee.

4.  Hello... My Name is...  Kate Bosworth... but only in Blue Crush.... .otherwise she's a skinny twig that no one likes....

5.  Hello... My Name is.... %$^&*## ...  that's right.  When anyone asks you about your costume, just string together a bunch of expletives and they'll get the picture. 

Basically, you can be anyone you want to be tonight.  Just write in their name on your sticker and have the time of your life!  If you do opt to stay home, remember to keep your porch light off to keep the kiddies away, if any dare to knock on your door for candy offer them a squirt of hand soap and a word of wisdom from your father... or mine, if yours never said anything interesting.

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