Thursday, October 29, 2009

To-Do and Website A Little Late...

My computer has been very very very broken.
It may still be.  I have sacrificed much to be able to bring you this very special post.....

HALLOWEEN is coming!!!!  and even unemployed people cannot hide.

Therefore, I am commanding you to embrace the wonderfulness that is halloween and have FUN!  I will not accept the excuse that you have no costume, there are plenty of cheap, easy, or cheap and easy halloween costume ideas out there on the internet.

Like "party in my pants"!  Seriously who wouldn't want to be a "party in my pants" for Halloween!!!!

Although this is my favorite, there are 12 other Halloween costumes that may get you fired, HERE.
Good thing we don't have to worry about that.  Btw, this link is probably not appropriate for children, or Mormons... or people who don't want to see someone dressed up like poop.

Ever since my friend told me about that website, I can't get enough.  If you're into cheap, check out these ideas, all made from household items.  CLICK HERE!

Come back later today, for a list of the best halloween costumes for the unemployed.  And tomorrow.  And I'll even give you a last minute list on Saturday - provided I can keep my computer working well enough. 

On a final note, I am not a hypocrite just because I don't plan on dressing up.  I'm just bad at Halloween.  If you don't believe me, check out these pics from the last few years.  Adios.

Ok fine, only one of those I actually went out in public in.  And one of them wasn't even on halloween.  But do you know which is which?

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