Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Website Wednesday is Lame

I'm not sure if you noticed, but there were EIGHT links in yesterday's post.  I'm a little obsessed with linking to anything and everything.  I considered not providing a link to a website for today, just to see if i could do it, but then i remembered...  There's nothing better than feeding an obsession!

Today's link comes from the wonderful world of Ehow.  I hope you're all familiar with this site, and it's friend Wikihow.  They have saved my life many times (like the time i needed to know how to make a bomb and that time I went on a mission to rid the world of unsightly deodorant stains).  Considering the wealth of information available on this site, you would think they would have some good job searching tips, right?   Wrong!  Ehow's How To Find the Perfect Job left me stunned - I followed their directions perfectly and still I am unemployed.  I was thinking of sending an email asking them to take this post down.  Maybe we can all get together and sue them for false advertising.  I'll be our lawyer!

I particularly loved this tip:  "Cruise the employee parking lots of potential employers. The theory is that if employees are driving decent cars, then the employers are paying decent wages".  Wow!  That's really helpful.  I definitely want to turn down jobs where employees are driving cars that look like mine... From now on i'm turning down any job that offers less than 75k!  (That's me ------->   being shocked by ugly cars - and having a normal color of hair!)

If anyone wants to attempt to follow's Ehow's suggestions, here's a good link to a career personality assessment.  I call this a good link because it's the first one I found that actually gave me lawyer as a result.  I'm sure as hell not willing to trust a career personality assessment that questions my dedication (i.e. 100k of student loan debt) to being an attorney!

I know I'm a little off topic - so get a job, do something, blah, yada yada yada.  That should be a good enough lessen for today.  Now for fun time! 

Even though Ehow let me down this time, I still think there is a ton of great stuff out there to keep the unemployed person busy for hours... maybe even days.  I can't wait to embark on this project:  Laptop Case.  Unfortunately, to do this I need a free (or cheap I guess) sewing machine.  I wouldn't mind if one just showed up on my doorstep tomorrow.  or the next day.  or even sometime next week would be fine.     

 Links in this post:  7


  1. Hmm...seems to me like ehow just showed you how to find the perfect job, just not how to land that job. I did a quick search a found a few different articles about landing a job. Maybe those will work.

  2. I also saw these. I didn't really enjoy any of them, I just picked the one I did b/c it was the most interesting.
