Tuesday, October 20, 2009


As previously mentioned, unemployed people are easily depressed.  (Check out this quiz if you're concerned... Are You Suffering Unemployment Depression?).
Exercise is a great tool for dealing with depression.  Exercise increases your energy, self-esteem, distracts you, helps relieve stress, and a whole bunch of other things that are good for your mind and body.  So get up and go do something... well, not just anything... you can get the best bang for your buck by learning a new sport!  Sports can teach us a lot about working - especially extreme sports!

My suggestions:
  • Free Running  - Not just awesome, but teaches you valuable skills that can help you to find a job.  It makes for great conversation during an interview, shows the interviewer that you can handle anything, are creative, and most importantly that you are active.  Leading research shows that people who appear "active" are more likely to be perceived as hard workers.  (Which means the converse - inactive people like me appear lazy to interviewers, must also be true.).  This sport will also probably make the interviewer scared of you - Big Plus!

    • Jai Alai -  In the U.S., Jai Alai's achieved the most popularity in the gambling world.  Who wants to bet on greyhounds or horses when they can bet on a bunch of sweaty people playing a game that no one understands?  Employers love jai alai players because jai alai sounds really foreign.  No one wants to be accused of discriminating - so for all of you middle class suburban white kids out there... this is the sport for you!  (It's also helpful if your parents were thoughtful enough to give you a really eclectic sounding name even though you're really just average like the rest of us.). 
    •  Korfball -  If you're into teamwork, Korfball is the sport for you.  While it's not played widely in the states, most corporate environments could really benefit from a team.  You can always tell an interviewer that you are great at teamwork, but it's better to show than tell.  So show them by playing Korfball!  Because an equal  number of males and females are required for this game, you'll also show that you can work well with the opposite gender (and that you are not going to have "problems" with the sexual harassment policy).  
    • I don't suggest  Outhouse Racing, although i would if i could think of anything positive at all about it.
    Play a new sport.... and get a new job.  Seems easy, right?
    If you want some more fabulous interesting sport information, check out The 10 Stupidest Sports in Existence! and Weird Unusual Sports!

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