Monday, October 5, 2009

To-Do Tuesday: FIND A JOB

I know, I know, I'm usually not this serious.  But after having mac and cheese and cheerios for the dinner last night, I've decided that enough is enough.  I have got to find some sort of income producing activity.  Friends have offered me countless suggestions, like...
  • "I heard you can make $1000 a month by writing a blog and updating it everyday!" - yeah, I'm sure that's true, if you write about something useful and you cater to blog readers who have money.  Unfortunately, I do neither.
  • "I heard the local fast food restaurant is hiring." - Frankly, I just don't have the energy to go fight with all those laid off executives for a minimum wage job.  And I think it's morally wrong to lie and say you have less education/experience than you do.  Although I'm completely fine with lying and claiming you have more experience.  I've heard that can get you in trouble and fired after you get the job - but hey, I'd be happy just getting an interview.  I'm perfectly willing to take the chance of getting fired two weeks in.
  • "Have you heard about that chain letter thingy where you give people underwear and you get like 100 pairs in the mail within a month?"  (If not, see here) - Yeah, I HAVE heard about this.  Honestly, I don't need anymore panties right now, and the local thrift store doesn't really give you much money for trading in random pairs of underwear.... not sure how you think this suggestion is going to help me.
I've finally decided that there is no scheme that will help me, so secret that will pay all of my bills, and no legitimate online work opportunities (if you're interested, I can point you to several illegitimate ones).  I have no choice but to actually do something this Tuesday.  I sincerely hope that you will follow my lead, put in some extra hard work, and continue reading my blog even after you get a job.  Here are my top suggestions for finding a job and my relative goals for today in each area....
  • Network with Alumni - Get a list of alumni that live in your area (and work in your field!).  Now, here's the important part... getting the list is not good enough!  Getting the list will do nothing for you!  I have had the list for a year.  I have read it at least three times.  Nothing has happened!  Actually contact people from the list.  Email is probably best.  If email isn't provided, a letter will have to do.  Make the letter/email professional, but also personal.  Refuse to let them ignore you - even if you are the most boring person on earth, you cannot let them know that.  This is a big problem for me.  I'm all too willing to admit that I have no experience and there are tons of people better than me.  BIG MISTAKE!  
    • My goal:  Send out 5 letters/emails.  Beg.
  •  Contact People Doing the Job you Want - Offer to volunteer, intern, anything to get them to notice you.  For me this is essential, why not work for free for a criminal law attorney so i can learn how to do it on my own, then open my own practice and do their job better than they ever did and steal all their clients.  I'm sure it won't take more than like a day before I believe that I can do their job better than they can - I need to just go for it!
    • My goal:  Contact five attorneys in Ventura/LA County that work in Criminal Law.   Ingratiate myself.
  •  Expand your search geographically - For me this is hard, b/c driving might kill me, but it's necessary.  I'd rather be working and barely making ends meet b/c i have to stay in a hotel and use a lot of gas.  At least I'm getting some experience.  
    • My goal:  Look for government jobs and craigslist stuff for all counties within 4 hours of my house.  Apply for any appropriate jobs that I find.
Hard work is bound to pay off.  No one gets something for nothing.  I really need to start taking my Dad's suggestions more seriously...
"The rich man started on Friday, the poor man waited until Monday." - Rachael's Dad
Ponder that.

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