Thursday, September 24, 2009

Don't be sad, Get Glad!

I know you're probably mad at me.  I know you can't live without website Wednesday.  And I promise, I had a good website ready for you this week, alas, sloth got in the way.  As the job searching week is three whole days, one gets tired, and needs a break...
And how could any unemployed person resist Finding Britney?

As you can see, I didn't find her, but I did waste my entire day looking.  Well, I almost found her, but someone else found her first.  And it wasn't really finding her.  It was more like running into traffic without regard for your own personal safety to find a clown.  Next time when people start screaming and running, I won't continue walking in the opposite direction.

Moral:  You should only waste an entire day of the job searching week searching for an artist you actually like.


  1. Wow beautiful pictures. I love your blog. Keep it up

  2. are you implying that you don't like britney?

  3. No. I'm implying that I like a lot of other musicians a lot more than I like Britney.
