Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Website Wednesday

I encourage you all to check out my new favorite website Stuff Unemployed People Like.  Like it's cousin Stuff White People Like, this site will having you falling off your chair in laughter...  Or if you're like me, it might make you cry, some of this stuff just hits a little too close to home...

As I'm a Google Aficionado (and addict), I obviously felt the need to look up Stuff Unemployed People Dislike - I was shocked to find that this list does not exist ANYWHERE.   If the typical unemployed person is anything like me, there are tons of things I dislike... maybe even more than I like.  Since I cannot stand to leave this important area of knowledge unexpressed, I bring to you


10.  Inefficiency
 Whether I'm at the emergency room, Best Buy, or the Social Service Office, I constantly want to pull my hair out due to the laziness and inefficiency of virtually all people I come in contact with.  In reality, I bet these people are all doing there jobs just fine, but being unemployed I can't help but think...

 9.  Networking
First, who has time to look for a job when there's Linked In, Twitter, Facebook, and about 73 other social networking sites to keep up with.  Second, I'm pretty sure none of these sites are doing anything at all to help me in my job search.  I get more job leads by purusing Craigslist everyday (well when I can pry myself away from the personal ad section...)  

After reading some tips on business cards, courtesy of Ernie the Attorney, I designed a mega-unprofessional looking business card in hopes of giving this card out to my "networking buddies" and hopefully getting some work.  What has this gotten me?  I guess I can't blame the cards, since I still have all of them... minus the one i put in the drawing for free lunch at Qdoba...

My attempts at in-person networking have turned out just as bad - so far I've met a crazy lady who claimed to be an attorney that graduated from law school 10 years ago and has never practiced law, 12 people in my exact same position, and one kindly older man hoping to get my help in the unauthorized practice of law.  Frankly, I prefer the homeless man and the people in line for food stamps as company... and I bet they're more likely to have job leads for me.

Hence the reason I hate networking - The only people who think it works already have jobs.

 8.  Security Encrypted Wireless Networks
I think this one is self-explanatory.  I don't know how many times I've frantically tried to find internet signal just for a moment to send my resume to some vague job description off Craigslist... 

Don't forget to check back in the next couple of days for Parts Two and Three of the countdown!!!

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