Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Inspiration Board Has Not Inspired Me...Yet

First, I started my making a paper doll. Well not your standard paper doll, an INSPIRATIONAL PAPER DOLL. Since i want to learn to actually play the guitar, and i always mean to get around to working on it, I thought looking at Taylor Swift and changing around the guitar that she used on a bi-weekly basis might be just the thing to kick my butt in gear and get me off the couch and working on my guitar. We shall see...

This section of my inspiration board focuses on my future goals and dreams, with a poignant reminders of how difficult it is to escape your past.

Eminem reminds me to wake up everyday, embrace my past, and become a stronger, more successful person because of it.

Ashton reminds me... well of just how much I want to date Ashton. Now THAT's something to strive for!

Also included are some surfboards, cool as hell eye make-up, and some all over body tattoo's. Make of this what you will.

This last section is about what I want to be when i grow up: a PRINCESS!

There are also some serious parts thrown in, like that I'd like to run for office someday, I believe business owners should be able to decide whether they allow smoking in their establishment or not, and my new favorite quote ever....
"Don't let the mark you leave on the world be a dent in the couch."

Please feel free to share your inspiration boards. There can't be anything more embarrassing than having Taylor Swift show up twice :-)

Disclaimer: I only had Rolling Stone magazines available for this project. I had to work with what I could find. I'm unemployed, I can't afford to go out and by copies of Vogue.

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