Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Website Wednesday: STFU Employed People

Today's website of choice is STFU, Parents.  It has a friend, STFU, Believers, but I'm much less entertained by that one.  So much so, in fact, that I'm not going to link to it.  If you want to visit the site that bad I'm going to force you to do the extra work of typing in the word "believers" in place of the word "parents" in the provided link.  So there!

So how is this link related to unemployment?  Technically, I find that any website not related to finding a job is correlated to me not having a job.  Correlation does not equal causation.  For instance, the fact that I look like this

 is correlated with the fact that I am unemployed, but i'm pretty sure the
florescence of my hair has not CAUSED me to be unemployed.

This post has gotten a bit of topic, if this blog were meant to be self-indulgent, I would  have at least posted a pic like the one at right, and made is significantly larger than the previous one, just to point out the fact that while I look like a moron, at least I still have pretty eyes (and have been told so in the middle of a job interview...and still didn't get the job)!  But of course I would never engage in any self-indulgent behavior like that.

Back to Business.  I bring to you, my very own creation.  I'm sure you can tell how much creativity was actually involved after viewing the Website Wednesday Link...

STFU, Employed People

Every single time I log on to facebook, I'm bombarded with posts from my so-called friends (and people I have never even seen or talked to who randomly add me as friends) about their jobs.  I'm sick and tired of them throwing their employment status in my face.  Like I don't have enough to deal with already.  Then they have the audacity to share all of their work related "problems", and believe me Employed People have a lot of problems... for instance


How can one be on facebook 7.8 hours in an 8 hour workday?  I just don't buy it.  I'm sure J spends more than .2 hours goofing off with co-workers and reapplying lipstick in the bathroom.  You need to get your facts straight, C!


Oh, wait... going back to work isn't a problem.  My bad!

At least some people can handle these types of issues without having to get their employers involved....

I don't know if J can handle C being offline for half the day.  He might spontaneously combust.

Never fear.... the unemployed people are still here! 

Seriously C, who needs a job when you have best friends and food stamps.  Jobs are so last year.  and even more the year before that.

For those people who are interested in indulging me, I'll post a picture of what my hair looks like now tomorrow.

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